So far our SUMMER has been a FUN one! We have gone to the Georgia Aquarium, the lake, have eaten lots of watermelon on our porch, played in the sprinkler, gone to nanny's pool, went to the zoo, played in the splash pad, went to a GO CART track and just returned from a weekend at the beach! I do believe these guys have had a fun summer SO far!! One of my fondest memories as a child was our 4th of July gatherings in Union Springs, AL! We had fireworks and my sweet Grandaddy and Grandmother, DANDYDON and MOMMIMON, would slice us large pieces of watermelon! SO the tradition continues with my boys! Leyton just so happens to be LOUNGING in the shirt that I wore as a kid from my Dandydon's Shop! He was one of a kind and I miss him terribly! Cannot wait to see him in Heaven one day! I bet he will be at the dinner table eating all the fresh veggies heaven has to offer and of course a COLD GLASS FULL OF ICED TEA :)) He grew up on a farm and made sure we experienced every type of fresh vegetables… LOVE my grandparents and the traditions they poured into us! I love my precious family and I am so honored to be a mommy:)
Letyon and Liam
Summer 2012… thus far!

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