…i must say, if you're looking for the googley, {yes, that is a word} long, dreamy eyed, gazing off into the future - type pictures, then, i am not the gal for you! BuT… if you are looking for a FuN, FuLL of energy & FuLLy FuLeD {with much caffeine}type of PhotographeR… TheN… i am SO the gal for you! in a session with me, you can throw AwKwArD out the window! my goal is to make you feel at ease & PrAy that i capture that inside joke between you & your better half {halves}, that causes you to laugh UncontrollablY! i am trigger happy & my finger is always ready to click, SO, most likely i will catch the sweet, unexpected moments you share… SO, that when you see the final photos, it will cause the air in your lungs to disappear & warning, you may pass out {too dramatic??}… what i SiMpLy mean is, choose me & i won't leave you DisappointeD.
-Rachel Erwin