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Friday, January 13, 2012

My little blessings...

Spent the afternoon playing outside with my two sweet boys and got some great shots!  Who says you can't have pretty pictures in the winter?  My Leyton will be turning five years old in about 2 weeks!  He was and is my miracle baby!  I was told that it was near to impossible for me to have children by three different doctors and we never gave up hope.  We weren't sure how they would get here, through us or through adoption, but we knew we would have children.  Those five and a half years of not knowing if we would ever have a Leyton, were the hardest years of my life.  But God taught me SO much and my faith grew and, well, my baby is about to turn 5 years old!  Thank you JESUS!  My Liam will turn 2 in April and he brings SO much joy to our little family!  Four days before I was suppose to have a major surgery and a hysterectomy, I found out I was pregnant with this little miracle!  WOW!  Even now, it brings tears to my eyes… I am forever grateful for these precious ones!

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